Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Happy Nuggets.

Have you noticed how everyone has those individual little things that instantly lift their spirits? This morning I was aimlessly wondering around the house when a little glint of gold on the bookshelf caught my eye. I wave of happiness hit me as I realised I had rediscovered one of the loveliest (if not then by far the prettiest) books I own. The faded gold cover of 'The Goddess Experience' by the fabulous Gisele Scanlon, adorned with a cherry blossom tree and fabric bird makes me immediately betray the old 'never judge a book by its cover, as I know something great is contained. Sitting down at my desk with a cup of sugary tea, two slices of toast and Carole King playing gently in the background, I realise that it is these little things that make me happy. Of course an expensive meal and a nice pair of new shoes puts a big smile on my face, it is these little personal things that really count. A friend of mine once told me that she and her mother refer to these as 'nuggets', which I have never forgotten, so here is a collection of 'happy nuggets' that I hope rouse a flicker of happiness, or at least recognition...

-The relief when you remember the name of a song, or the name of that 'Oooooh where have I seen that actors face before'.
-Comfort food. Everyone has their favourite...mine being Colman's tuna and pasta bake (don't knock it til you've tried it), preferably with melted cheese and crushed crisps on top, which I ate religiously as a child.
-A text just to see how you are.
-Post. Particularly an unexpected postcard/letter/present. My dad's lovely girlfriend sent me a parcel a few weeks before my birthday containing my favourite little products like chocolate face masks and cherry Carmex.
-A whole day to yourself with nothing to do except wrap yourself up in a big snugly jumper and watch your favourite films.
-A favourite little cafe or restaurant that feels so personal to you.
-The feeling when you've finished some tedious task, especially knowing you've done a good job.
-A cup of tea. I cannot fathom the idea of going a whole day with out one (lots of milk, 2 sugars please).
-When the tube/train/bus comes straight away and you get your favourite seat.
-Knowing someone so well that you can exchange a look and both fall about laughing.
-Hearing a song and completely relating to the lyrics.
-Waking up early, then remembering it's the weekend and going back to sleep.
-A warm towel/dressing gown when you get out of the bath.
-Sitting around with your friends after a night out trying to remember what happened.
-When you finally get something you've been struggling with completely perfect.

As the amazing Gisele says...'Happiness is the freedom you feel doing twirly, twirls in the rain'.

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